Table 2. Population by Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin, for All Ages and for 18 Years and Over, for North Dakota:  2000 and 2010
This table provides a state summary of the data included in the 2000 and the 2010 Redistricting Data Summary Files.  Data are shown by age for the Hispanic or Latino population, as well as for people who reported one race and for people who reported two or more races. The population of One Race is the total of the population in the 6 categories of one race.  The population of Two or More Races is the total of the population in the 57 specific combinations of two or more races.  The redistricting files include data for all 63 groups.  This table also shows the numeric and percent change in the population by race and Hispanic origin between 2000 and 2010.
(For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see
Age, race, and Hispanic or Latino origin 2000 2010 Change, 2000 to 2010
Number Percent of total population Number Percent of total population Number Percent
ALL AGES            
         Total population……………………………………….  642 200 100.0  672 591 100.0  30 391 4.7
One Race……………………………………………………………………………..  634 802 98.8  660 738 98.2  25 936 4.1
          White………………………………………………………………………………  593 181 92.4  605 449 90.0  12 268 2.1
          Black or African American……………………………………………………………….  3 916 0.6  7 960 1.2  4 044 103.3
          American Indian and Alaska Native…………………………..  31 329 4.9  36 591 5.4  5 262 16.8
          Asian…………………………………………………………………………………  3 606 0.6  6 909 1.0  3 303 91.6
          Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander…………..   230 -   320 -   90 39.1
          Some Other Race…………………………………………………………  2 540 0.4  3 509 0.5   969 38.1
Two or More Races………………………………………………………….  7 398 1.2  11 853 1.8  4 455 60.2
         Total population………………………………………………  642 200 100.0  672 591 100.0  30 391 4.7
Hispanic or Latino (of any race)……………………………………………  7 786 1.2  13 467 2.0  5 681 73.0
Not Hispanic or Latino……………………………………………………………  634 414 98.8  659 124 98.0  24 710 3.9
  One Race……………………………………………………………………………….  627 748 97.7  648 759 96.5  21 011 3.3
          White……………………………………………………………………………………….  589 149 91.7  598 007 88.9  8 858 1.5
          Black or African American……………………………………………………..  3 761 0.6  7 720 1.1  3 959 105.3
          American Indian and Alaska Native……………………………………………………………………..  30 772 4.8  35 562 5.3  4 790 15.6
          Asian……………………………………………………………………………….  3 566 0.6  6 839 1.0  3 273 91.8
          Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander…………….   218 -   290 -   72 33.0
          Some Other Race……………………………………………………………   282 -   341 0.1   59 20.9
  Two or More Races………………………………………………………………  6 666 1.0  10 365 1.5  3 699 55.5
18 YEARS AND OVER            
         Total population…………………………………………..  481 351 100.0  522 720 100.0  41 369 8.6
One Race………………………………………………………………………………  477 777 99.3  517 100 98.9  39 323 8.2
          White……………………………………………………………………………..  452 310 94.0  480 250 91.9  27 940 6.2
          Black or African American……………………………………………  2 602 0.5  5 295 1.0  2 693 103.5
          American Indian and Alaska Native………………………………  18 425 3.8  23 268 4.5  4 843 26.3
          Asian……………………………………………………………………………..  2 703 0.6  5 622 1.1  2 919 108.0
          Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander…………..   143 -   240 -   97 67.8
          Some Other Race……………………………………………………………..  1 594 0.3  2 425 0.5   831 52.1
Two or More Races………………………………………………………………  3 574 0.7  5 620 1.1  2 046 57.2
         Total population…………………………………………  481 351 100.0  522 720 100.0  41 369 8.6
Hispanic or Latino (of any race)………………………………………….  4 583 1.0  8 064 1.5  3 481 76.0
Not Hispanic or Latino……………………………………………………….  476 768 99.0  514 656 98.5  37 888 7.9
  One Race…………………………………………………………………………………  473 503 98.4  509 608 97.5  36 105 7.6
          White…………………………………………………………………………………  449 830 93.5  475 686 91.0  25 856 5.7
          Black or African American…………………………………………  2 501 0.5  5 157 1.0  2 656 106.2
          American Indian and Alaska Native……………………………..  18 209 3.8  22 786 4.4  4 577 25.1
          Asian……………………………………………………………………………….  2 674 0.6  5 563 1.1  2 889 108.0
          Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander……………..   135 -   219 -   84 62.2
          Some Other Race………………………………………………………….   154 -   197 -   43 27.9
  Two or More Races……………………………………………………………  3 265 0.7  5 048 1.0  1 783 54.6
 -  Represents zero or rounds to 0.0.
Note: The observed changes in Hispanic origin and race counts between Census 2000 and the 2010 Census could be attributed to a number of factors.  Demographic change since 2000, which includes births and deaths in a geographic area and migration in and out of a geographic area, will have an impact on the resulting 2010 Census counts.  Additionally, some changes in the Hispanic origin and race questions' wording and format since Census 2000 could have influenced reporting patterns in the 2010 Census.  Also, in Census 2000 an error in data processing resulted in an overstatement of the Two or More Races population by about 1 million people (about 15 percent) nationally, which almost entirely affected race combinations involving Some Other Race.  Therefore, data users should assess observed changes in the Two or More Races population between Census 2000 and the 2010 Census with caution.
Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) Summary File, Tables PL1, PL2, PL3, and PL4, and 2010 Census Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) Summary File, Tables P1, P2, P3, and P4.